ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND THE DIFFERENT FORMS Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) is a form of Dispute Resolution where parties resolve disputes without recourse to Court. The most common forms of ADR include; negotiation, mediation, adjudication and arbitration. Negotiation: Amicable resolution of disputes by parties mutually without the intervention of a third party. Mediation: Resolution of disputes between […]
ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND THE DIFFERENT FORMS. Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) is a form of Dispute Resolution where parties resolve disputes without recourse to Court. The most common forms of ADR include; negotiation, mediation, adjudication and arbitration. Negotiation: Amicable resolution of disputes by parties mutually without the intervention of a third party. Mediation: Resolution of disputes […]
Garfield Spence [a.k.a Koshens] Vs Airtel Uganda Limited & 2 others Civil Suit No. 545 of 2015. Judgment delivered on 21/08/2023 by Her Lordship Patricia Mutesi. Attention! Copyright infringement is not restricted to persons who unlawfully deal with protected works but it also applies to any person who ‘causes’ or ‘permits’ such unlawful dealings to […]
A-Plus Funeral Management Ltd V A-Class Funeral Services (U) Ltd & Uganda Registration Services Bureau (Civil Suit 355 of 2020) [2023] UGHCCD 186. Judgment delivered by Hon. Justice Ssekaana Musa on the 30th of June 2023. Attention! The only thing considered before a name can be registered is whether or not the public may be […]
The man, who is in a stable condition in hospital, has potentially life-changing injuries after the overnight attack in Garvagh, County Londonderry. He was shot in the arms and legs.